Did you know that you are ALWAYS SELLING in business?
Yep, e’ry day, all day – all we do is sell, sell, sell.
Often, we don’t even realize it.
There’s the obvious: services and products.
But it’s more than that.
We’re constantly selling people on our ideas, beliefs, perspectives, and values, too.
Take a look at your personal life.
As an entrepreneur, selling is even more profound, because we NEED it to stay in business.
Below are three core behind-the-scenes secrets to writing copy that will help you sell your service, your course, and yourself.
Yes, you may be talking to a whole schwak of people, but in reality, you want to write as if you are only speaking to that ONE PERSON.
Think of real life.
The concept of searching for Mr. Right, or your wife-to-be.
People are always looking for “their one person.”
This is the same concept when it comes to copywriting.
Many people could buy from you, but in sales copy, you want to make sure you write in a way that speaks directly to that ONE PERSON.
So who is your one person..?
…This person is your ideal client.
The one that raves about your services, tells everyone about you, and keeps buying from you again and again.
You adore working with them, they pay you in advance, and they’ve referred more wonderful clients your way.
THAT is your person.
THAT is who you’re writing for.
Maybe you have worked with this person, or maybe they are currently made up.
Either way, create a bio for her/him and post it in your office. Every time you write to your list, write directly to that ONE PERSON.
Here’s an excerpt from an example bio:
“Callie is a 32-year-old entrepreneur who is on the verge of becoming a big-friggin deal in the online yoga space. Callie currently runs retreats in Italy for other business beauty’s looking to shake things up in the coaching world. She’s environmentally conscious, active in her community, and she’s been featured on HuffPost & Entrepreneur Magazine.”
The next time you craft a post, email, sales page, or ad – make sure you’re writing exclusively to your very own Callie!
In life – we’re presented with choices upon choices.
Minivan or SUV?
Multigrain or rye?
Get up or hit the snooze?
And in business – we’re given choices galore too.
Looking at your relationship with your list – they’ve already chosen to be on your subscriber list, they’ve chosen to open your email, and they’ve chosen to read it in its entirety.
That’s a lot of choices.
So don’t give me even more choices about what buttons to click.
Only give one CTA.
When people have too many options, they often freeze up with ‘decision paralysis,’ and instead of taking action, they do absolutely n-o-t-h-i-n-g.
So if you’re inundating your emails with links to blog posts, links to your Calendly for a free consultation, a link to your book on Amazon, and then in your PS, you tell them to hit reply and let them know how it went… ha! There’s a great chance that your readers will do NONE of those things.
AKA you won’t make any sales.
In copywriting, it’s called the ‘Rule of One.’
That means only giving your readers one specific action to take per email.
Sprinkle that same link 2-3 times throughout your email. Make it VERY easy for your reader to understand what their next step should be!
All great copywriters brainstorm roughly 30-50 headlines for each sales article they write.
I know, it’s a shit-tonne.
That’s the point.
Even pro’s like Marie Forleo STILL use this trick in their sales copy.
Once you get used to flushing out this many headlines, it will get easier. And quicker.
Why so many headlines?
It often takes flushing out a few dozen headlines for the magic to happen!
Sometimes the right headline may take hours to come to life – and that’s okay.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is letting your subject lines and headlines be an afterthought.
These bad boys are the #1 factor that will draw in your reader. It’s your first impression and your first chance to grab their attention – if it falls flat, they ain’t reading on!
So humor me and write out at least 30 headlines for your next sales copy.
You may just strike gold at #29.
There you are my friend, the 3 secrets [of one] for persuasive writing.
Business is all about selling.
Your program is already drenched with value…
Your course is humming with technical strategy…
You’re an expert in your niche and have so many wisdom-isms to drop…
…But the one link that brings this all to life?
>>Nothing happens until your words convert. <<
Implement these three persuasive techniques and start selling your awesomeness!
Wow, never thought of it that way, headline is King!