You know what they say…hindsight is a wonderful thing.
And they’re right.
Especially when it comes to business. I’m telling you if I’d have known what I know now, then, things would have been a lot easier.
This is exactly why I’m going to share everything I wish I knew when getting started as a lunch copywriter with you in the hopes that it’ll help you in the way it would’ve helped me!
Unsurprisingly, there are quite a few so let’s jump in!
If you’ve made the transition from the corporate world to being a business owner, you’ll know it can take a hot minute to adjust.
But one of the biggest adjustments for me came pretty early on. When I signed my first client, I found myself getting roped into my client’s business and I quickly started to feel like an employee/extension of her business rather than the business owner for my company.
The result of this realization? Knowing I could take control and make decisions on who *I* wanted to work with…rather than thinking I should work with everyone just because they asked.
2. You don’t have to always agree with your clients
When my clients hire me to write their launch copy, they hire an expert.
My role goes beyond just writing the words they need. It’s also about creating a strategy and pushing back when I need to. It’s okay to tell a client ‘no’ if they’re heading in the wrong direction or are doing something you know won’t work.
Sure, it’s daunting to do (especially when you’re new) but it’s an important skill to have and will ultimately lead to better results for your clients.
3. Make friends in cross-niches
While you always need those core copy pals (when you find them, you’ll realize how fruitful those relationships are!) But I also encourage you to add more non-copywriters into your bubble. Follow other marketers, and also people who aren’t even in the online digital marketing world! You’ll be amazed at what you can take from other industries and apply to yourself.
4. Start an email list before you’re ready
My email list has been a solid foundation for my business.
So I recommend starting one for yourself right away.
…Start before you’re ready.
…Start before you have anything to say!
I started mine before I even had any offers and didn’t feel like I had anything to say. But I shared my experiences, mistakes, and insights along the way and grew a trustworthy and engaged following because of it.
This enabled me to build up a reliable list, and when I had something to sell, they were ready to buy!
5. You’re never done learning
The best copywriters are always learning.
That’s a fact.
I’ll never entertain the possibility of being done learning – there’s always more out there for us to soak up. As a copywriter, we can ALWAYS be getting better at our skillset, getting faster in our craft, and getting more valuable for our clients. Remember, we see sales pages and launch copy from all channels everyday, and our clients only see *their* copy.
Therefore, we can always be learning new techniques and implementing and testing new strategies for them!
6. Reinventing the wheel every time isn’t going to move you forward
Even though every launch is unique, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time.
Read that again because it took me a while to realize it.
Although each bit of launch copy you write might be about different subjects or the launch might be in a different industry, or have a slightly different target, you can use the same process to create the copy.
That’s what I do! I use the same process on every page I write because it works.
I call this the Double Pop Process Prep, Organize, Perform, Optimize, Personality). If you want to discover the wheels that will move your business forward, you can grab my free Copy Chaperone guide here!
7. Your portfolio isn’t as important as you think it is
I know…shocking right? But the truth is, clients care less about your portfolio than you’d think.
I know new copywriters are always worried they don’t have the right portfolio but over the years your portfolio becomes something clients will care less and less about…
What they really want to know is how you’re going to help them.
Having a process and being able to explain it will do wonders so prioritize getting one in place!
For example, I go back to my BRAG process time and time again. Being able to explain this to clients has helped me sign many of them as they can clearly see how we’ll work together and how I’ll help get them the result they’re after! You can have look at my process below!
Ready to get that process in place and start attracting better clients, earn bigger-ticket projects, and receive higher paychecks?
You’ll wanna check out The Copy Chaperone guide!